Design Details
Get details of a design - Abyssale REST API
Last updated
Get details of a design - Abyssale REST API
Last updated
When you retrieve a design's information, you'll receive a complete specification that includes:
Unique design ID for API reference
List of all output formats configured for the design
Each format has a unique name within its parent design
Complete inventory of all layers
Supports 9 distinct layer types
Detailed property values for each layer
Properties are format-specific and can include:
Color values
Content payloads
Image URLs
Other format-specific attributes
Advanced properties can be retrieved by using the ?i=advanced
query URL parameter.
"template_id": "7dc0229b-cc0e-4fe5-971d-325164480887",
"name": "Abyssale demo - FB Feed",
"type": "static",
"created_at": 1681215684,
"updated_at": 1681217794,
"category_name": "Abyssale Demo",
"formats": [
"id": "medium-rectangle",
"width": 300,
"height": 250,
"preview_url": ""
"id": "wide-skyscraper",
"width": 160,
"height": 600,
"preview_url": ""
"elements": [
"name": "root",
"type": "container",
"attributes": [
"id": "background_color",
"help": "6 digits hexadecimal background color of the banner (i.e. #F3F3F3)",
"values": {
"medium-rectangle": "#ffffff",
"wide-skyscraper": "#c3bfbf"
"layout": {
"medium-rectangle": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"width": 300,
"height": 250
"wide-skyscraper": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"width": 160,
"height": 600
"name": "tb-text_0",
"type": "text",
"attributes": [
"id": "payload",
"help": "Text content (i.e. Lorem ipsum)",
"values": {
"medium-rectangle": "Lorem Ipsum",
"wide-skyscraper": "Test"
"id": "color",
"help": "6 or 8 digits hexadecimal color of the text (i.e. #EAEAEA)",
"values": {
"medium-rectangle": "#000000",
"wide-skyscraper": "#000000",
"layout": {
"medium-rectangle": {
"x": 20,
"y": 40,
"width": 200,
"height": 50
"wide-skyscraper": {
"x": 10,
"y": 20,
"width": 100,
"height": 100
This sample represents the details of a template (ID: 7dc0229b-cc0e-4fe5-971d-325164480887), which contains:
2 formats: medium-rectangle and wide-skyscraper. Those names can be used in the image generation endpoints to define which formats to create.
2 elements:
root (type: container)
The root property is always available and corresponds to the root format container.
It contains a single background_color
with a #ffffff
value on the medium-rectangle format
with a #c3bfbf
value on the wide-skyscraper format
tb-text_0 (type: text). It contains 2 attributes:
: The text content.
Lorem Ipsum
on the medium-rectangle format
on the wide-skyscraper format
: The text color.
for both formats
"id": "4a2e214c-cb04-4388-bd59-bb93b03abe15",
"name": "untitled",
"type": "printer_multipage",
"template_id": "4a2e214c-cb04-4388-bd59-bb93b03abe15",
"pages": [
"id": "page_1",
"width": 5.5,
"height": 8.5,
"unit": "in",
"preview_url": ""
"id": "page_2",
"width": 5.5,
"height": 8.5,
"unit": "in",
"preview_url": ""
"id": "page_3",
"width": 5.5,
"height": 8.5,
"unit": "in",
"preview_url": ""
"id": "page_4",
"width": 5.5,
"height": 8.5,
"unit": "in",
"preview_url": ""
"elements_per_page": {
"page_1": [
"name": "root",
"type": "container",
"attributes": {
"background_color": {
"id": "background_color",
"help": "6 or 8 digits hexadecimal background color (i.e. #F3F3F3) or a CMYK color (i.e. cmyk(0,10,0,50)) of the banner ",
"values": "cmyka(0,0,0,0,100)"
"layout": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"width": 5.5,
"height": 8.5
"name": "tb-image_0",
"type": "image",
"attributes": {
"image_url": {
"id": "image_url",
"help": "Public HTTP(s) URL of the image (i.e.",
"values": ""
"layout": {
"x": 0.15,
"y": 2.546,
"width": 5.333,
"height": 5.8
"name": "tb-text_0",
"type": "text",
"attributes": {
"payload": {
"id": "payload",
"help": "Text content (i.e. Lorem ipsum)",
"values": "Aby Mag"
"color": {
"id": "color",
"help": "6 or 8 digits hexadecimal color (i.e. #EAEAEA) or a CMYK color (i.e. cmyk(0,10,0,50)) of the text",
"values": "cmyka(0,0,0,100,100)"
"layout": {
"x": 0.3,
"y": 0.179,
"width": 5.275,
"height": 2.058
"page_2": [
"name": "root",
"type": "container",
"attributes": {
"background_color": {
"id": "background_color",
"help": "6 or 8 digits hexadecimal background color (i.e. #F3F3F3) or a CMYK color (i.e. cmyk(0,10,0,50)) of the banner ",
"values": "cmyka(0,0,0,0,100)"
"layout": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"width": 5.5,
"height": 8.5
"name": "tb-image_0",
"type": "image",
"attributes": {
"image_url": {
"id": "image_url",
"help": "Public HTTP(s) URL of the image (i.e.",
"values": ""
"layout": {
"x": 2.904,
"y": 0.012,
"width": 2.415,
"height": 2.415
"name": "tb-text_0",
"type": "text",
"attributes": {
"payload": {
"id": "payload",
"help": "Text content (i.e. Lorem ipsum)",
"values": "Health"
"color": {
"id": "color",
"help": "6 or 8 digits hexadecimal color (i.e. #EAEAEA) or a CMYK color (i.e. cmyk(0,10,0,50)) of the text",
"values": "cmyka(0,0,0,100,100)"
"layout": {
"x": 0.304,
"y": 1.046,
"width": 2.494,
"height": 0.775
"name": "tb-text_1",
"type": "text",
"attributes": {
"payload": {
"id": "payload",
"help": "Text content (i.e. Lorem ipsum)",
"values": "Le Lorem Ipsum est simplement du faux texte employé dans la composition et la mise en page avant impression. Le Lorem Ipsum est le faux texte standard de l'imprimerie depuis les années 1500, quand un imprimeur anonyme assembla ensemble des morceaux de texte pour réaliser un livre spécimen de polices de texte. Il n'a pas fait que survivre cinq siècles, mais s'est aussi adapté à la bureautique informatique, sans que son contenu n'en soit modifié. Il a été popularisé dans les années 1960 grâce à la vente de feuilles Letraset contenant des passages du Lorem Ipsum, et, plus récemment, par son inclusion dans des applications de mise en page de texte, comme Aldus PageMaker."
"color": {
"id": "color",
"help": "6 or 8 digits hexadecimal color (i.e. #EAEAEA) or a CMYK color (i.e. cmyk(0,10,0,50)) of the text",
"values": "cmyka(0,0,0,100,100)"
"layout": {
"x": 0.179,
"y": 2.762,
"width": 5.088,
"height": 5.5
"page_3": [
"name": "root",
"type": "container",
"attributes": {
"background_color": {
"id": "background_color",
"help": "6 or 8 digits hexadecimal background color (i.e. #F3F3F3) or a CMYK color (i.e. cmyk(0,10,0,50)) of the banner ",
"values": "cmyka(0,0,0,0,100)"
"layout": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"width": 5.5,
"height": 8.5
"name": "tb-image_0",
"type": "image",
"attributes": {
"image_url": {
"id": "image_url",
"help": "Public HTTP(s) URL of the image (i.e.",
"values": ""
"layout": {
"x": 2.904,
"y": 0.212,
"width": 2.415,
"height": 2.415
"name": "tb-text_0",
"type": "text",
"attributes": {
"payload": {
"id": "payload",
"help": "Text content (i.e. Lorem ipsum)",
"values": "Sport"
"color": {
"id": "color",
"help": "6 or 8 digits hexadecimal color (i.e. #EAEAEA) or a CMYK color (i.e. cmyk(0,10,0,50)) of the text",
"values": "cmyka(0,0,0,100,100)"
"layout": {
"x": 0.296,
"y": 1.054,
"width": 2.494,
"height": 0.775
"name": "tb-text_1",
"type": "text",
"attributes": {
"payload": {
"id": "payload",
"help": "Text content (i.e. Lorem ipsum)",
"values": "Le Lorem Ipsum est simplement du faux texte employé dans la composition et la mise en page avant impression. Le Lorem Ipsum est le faux texte standard de l'imprimerie depuis les années 1500, quand un imprimeur anonyme assembla ensemble des morceaux de texte pour réaliser un livre spécimen de polices de texte. Il n'a pas fait que survivre cinq siècles, mais s'est aussi adapté à la bureautique informatique, sans que son contenu n'en soit modifié. Il a été popularisé dans les années 1960 grâce à la vente de feuilles Letraset contenant des passages du Lorem Ipsum, et, plus récemment, par son inclusion dans des applications de mise en page de texte, comme Aldus PageMaker."
"color": {
"id": "color",
"help": "6 or 8 digits hexadecimal color (i.e. #EAEAEA) or a CMYK color (i.e. cmyk(0,10,0,50)) of the text",
"values": "cmyka(0,0,0,100,100)"
"layout": {
"x": 0.179,
"y": 2.763,
"width": 5.088,
"height": 5.5
"page_4": [
"name": "root",
"type": "container",
"attributes": {
"background_color": {
"id": "background_color",
"help": "6 or 8 digits hexadecimal background color (i.e. #F3F3F3) or a CMYK color (i.e. cmyk(0,10,0,50)) of the banner ",
"values": "cmyka(0,0,0,0,100)"
"layout": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"width": 5.5,
"height": 8.5
"name": "tb-image_0",
"type": "image",
"attributes": {
"image_url": {
"id": "image_url",
"help": "Public HTTP(s) URL of the image (i.e.",
"values": ""
"layout": {
"x": 2.896,
"y": 0.212,
"width": 2.414,
"height": 2.415
"name": "tb-text_0",
"type": "text",
"attributes": {
"payload": {
"id": "payload",
"help": "Text content (i.e. Lorem ipsum)",
"values": "Psycho"
"color": {
"id": "color",
"help": "6 or 8 digits hexadecimal color (i.e. #EAEAEA) or a CMYK color (i.e. cmyk(0,10,0,50)) of the text",
"values": "cmyka(0,0,0,100,100)"
"layout": {
"x": 0.296,
"y": 1.054,
"width": 2.494,
"height": 0.775
"name": "tb-text_1",
"type": "text",
"attributes": {
"payload": {
"id": "payload",
"help": "Text content (i.e. Lorem ipsum)",
"values": "Le Lorem Ipsum est simplement du faux texte employé dans la composition et la mise en page avant impression. Le Lorem Ipsum est le faux texte standard de l'imprimerie depuis les années 1500, quand un imprimeur anonyme assembla ensemble des morceaux de texte pour réaliser un livre spécimen de polices de texte. Il n'a pas fait que survivre cinq siècles, mais s'est aussi adapté à la bureautique informatique, sans que son contenu n'en soit modifié. Il a été popularisé dans les années 1960 grâce à la vente de feuilles Letraset contenant des passages du Lorem Ipsum, et, plus récemment, par son inclusion dans des applications de mise en page de texte, comme Aldus PageMaker."
"color": {
"id": "color",
"help": "6 or 8 digits hexadecimal color (i.e. #EAEAEA) or a CMYK color (i.e. cmyk(0,10,0,50)) of the text",
"values": "cmyka(0,0,0,100,100)"
"layout": {
"x": 0.179,
"y": 2.763,
"width": 5.088,
"height": 5.5
"created_at": 1715775978,
"updated_at": 1715865885,
"category_name": "PRO - Tech test"
Retrieve the details of a template (general information, formats, elements & properties).
Unique identifier (UUID) of the template
curl -L \
--url '{templateId}' \
--header 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY'
"id": "64238d01-d402-474b-8c2d-fbc957e9d290",
"name": "Ad campaign fall 2022",
"created_at": 1649942114,
"updated_at": 1649942114,
"formats": [
"id": "facebook-post",
"width": 1200,
"height": 1200,
"preview_url": ""
"elements": [
"name": "element-name",
"type": "text",
"attributes": [
"id": "payload",
"help": "Text content (i.e. Lorem ipsum)",
"values": {
"facebook-post": "My image title"