
List all your templates - Abyssale REST API

A template is a design layout including at least:

  • one format (dimension, i.e. Facebook feed 1200x628 or IAB 300x250)

  • one element (text, button, image, shape...)

All elements have their own properties that can be customised (color, text payload, image...). The complete list of available properties is available:

Element properties

Once created, all template properties will act as a reference for subsequent image generation. Obviously, these properties can be overridden by sending new parameters within the generation API call.

Template Types

There are 4 types of templates on Abyssale (that can be selected when creating a new template):

  • Static template (static): The simplest form of template that allows to create static images (png, jpeg, pdf).

  • Pdf template ( printer ) : The simplest form of template that allows to create a printable PDF

  • Pdf multi-page ( printer_multipage ) : The simplest form of template that allows to create a multi page printable PDF

Here is the mapping between a template type and supported generation file types:

Template typejpegpngpdfgifhtml5mp4printable PDF





Get your templates

Abyssale provides a list of free templates in the Public Templates page. Feel free to use one to start designing a template instead of doing it from scratch.

Only templates listed in the My Templates page are accessible via API.

The templates can be filtered by type using a query URL property : /templates?type=animated or /templates?type=static

Sample response

    "id": "3f1900f0-9a0f-4d3f-867e-1bb3a6e4fa2d",
    "name": "Abyssale demo - FB Square",
    "type": "static",
    "created_at": 1681215684,
    "updated_at": 1681217794,
    "preview_url": "https://production-banners.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/templates/e0d292f2-ec21-11e9-a539-3c408bf94155/65422510-332e-4da6-ab50-d40ff532d000.png",
    "category_name": "Abyssale Demo"
    "id": "46d22c62-d134-44d3-a040-138e4ea9ea08",
    "name": "Abyssale demo - FB Feed",
    "type": "static",
    "created_at": 1688631025,
    "updated_at": 1688977170,
    "preview_url": "https://production-banners.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/templates/e0d292f2-ec21-11e9-a539-3c408bf94155/9c872731-da6f-4923-b342-7c4250ac94cc.png",
    "category_name": "Abyssale Demo"

This sample contains 2 templates:

  • Abyssale demo - FB Feed (static template) with the 46d22c62-d134-44d3-a040-138e4ea9ea08 template ID

  • Abyssale demo - FB Square (static template) with the 3f1900f0-9a0f-4d3f-867e-1bb3a6e4fa2d template ID

The preview_url property is the image associated with the first format in the template.

Last updated